Feature guide and demos
Think of rooms in Tandem as always on themed meeting spots that you can join with a click of a button to connect spontaneously with your team.
Rooms work great for collaboration sessions, casual chats, long form co-working, or getting real-time support from your team.
Call mechanics
When you join a room you enter the call audio is turned on, and other people who are signed up to get notifications for that room will see that you that you joined, which can function as a gentle invitation of sorts. You can easily disable notifications for rooms you're not interested in.
While in a room you can do all the things you would expect to be able to do in a call in your room: turn on your video, share your screen, send chat messages etc.
Rooms can be easily created and edited, and you can tailor room membership if you wish which will still allow others to find join the room if they wish but won't show for them in their room list by default.
If you and your teammates each have Spotify premium, you can use Tandem's music rooms to listen to music together. The first teammate to join the room is the DJ, and when other's join and press play on their Spotify app Tandem will synchronize their player to the DJs.
If the DJ would like to make someone else the DJ, they can do so by hovering over their name.
To call a teammate directly, simply click on the talk button next to their name.
Calling a teammate activates your mic. If the answer the call you can turn on video, share screens, collaborate etc.
You can easily add others to a call and teammates are able to join your conversation if they wish. You can always lock a conversation or room if you prefer to avoid interruptions.
Sometimes you just want to say hello to a teammate but don't want to interrupt them if they're busy.
Waving at a teammate send them a friendly notification which they can click on to chat. If they're busy they can wave back at a later time or they can reply with a quick message.

Integrating your Google Calendar allows for temporary meeting rooms to surface for your scheduled internal meetings in Tandem.
Meeting rooms make it really easy to see what your whole team is working on. You can tell at a glance if someone's previous meeting is running over, remind people who are late, and get notified when your meetings are starting.