Tandem and Slack
Tandem and Slack make a great pair! To integrate your Slack workspace, open Tandem preferences and select Slack.
Here are four features you can leverage with our Slack integration:
Initiate a Tandem call from Slack
Type /Tandem to create a link that teammates can click on to launch a quick call

Auto-update your Slack status to match your Tandem status
Since teams do their sync communication in Tandem, it's often easier to update your status in Tandem and have that status pushed to Slack automatically.

Show your teammates when you're in a Tandem call
This can be a helpful way to communicate to your team that you're in the middle of a call, or possibly nudge them to come join you in Tandem.

Send a Slack direct message to a teammate from Tandem
If someone isn't active on Tandem, selecting this box sends them a message in Slack along with a button they can click to join a call.